Stakeholders questions |F1/FBT ACCA practice questions

In this post you will practice for “Stakeholders questions”, It will help you to get good marks in the examination.

Q1. Stakeholders have __ in the organization.

  1. Interest
  2. Relationship
  3. duties
  4. Liability

Q2. Directors are the agents appointed by shareholders to administer the corporation on their behalf. This is the definition of?

  1. Business theory
  2. agency theory
  3. Mendelow theory
  4. Power theory

Q3. __ stakeholders exist within the organization and are inextricably linked to the organization’s goals.

Select the correct type of stakeholder.

  1. Internal
  2. External
  3. Connected

Q4. Individuals and entities with a financial stake in the organization are referred to as?

  1. Internal
  2. External
  3. Connected

Q5. . Employees and managers are examples of?

  1. Internal
  2. External
  3. Connected

Q6. Customers and suppliers are examples of?

  1. Internal
  2. External
  3. Connected

Q7. ___are not involved in the day-to-day operations of the organization and have no financial ties to it. The activities of an organization have an impact on these stakeholders, who can also have an impact on the company.

  1. Internal
  2. External
  3. Connected

Q8. Failure to meet the needs of external stakeholders could result in severe consequences such as

  1. government fines and penalties
  2. Statutory Power
  3. government Support
  4. government help

Q9. seek to safeguard the environment from pollution while also ensuring that labor rights are respected.

  1. Private sector
  2. Pressure Groups
  4. Connected stakeholders

Directors utilize ___ to identify the most important stakeholders and develop a strategy to meet their demands.

  1. Mintzberg
  2. Mendelow’s Approch
  3. Maslow
  4. Henri Fayol

Q11. They show little interest in the organization’s day-to-day operations, but it does have the authority to shut down operations if it believes the laws are not being followed. They must be ___.

  1. Keep informed
  2. keep satisfied
  3. Key player
  4. Minimal effort

Q12. These are the most important people in a company, and all of the company’s decisions must be acceptable to them, They are the ___?

  1. Keep informed
  2. keep satisfied
  3. Key player
  4. Minimal effort

Q13. These require the least amount of work. They are uninterested in the activities of the organization and have little authority to influence decisions. Choose correct authority

  1. Keep informed
  2. keep satisfied
  3. Key player
  4. Minimal effort

Q14. people who should be kept up to date on the company’s actions. They don’t have the authority to make choices, but they are interested in what the company is doing. They are defined as ___?

  1. Keep informed
  2. keep satisfied
  3. Key player
  4. Minimal effort

Q15. Banks/Loan Providers are examples of ___ stakeholders.

  1. Internal
  2. External
  3. Connected


  1. Interest
  2. agency theory
  3. Internal
  4. Connected
  5. Internal
  6. Connected
  7. External
  8. government fines and penalties
  9. Presure group
  10. Mendelow’s
  11. keep satisfied
  12. Key player
  13. Minimal effort
  14. Keep informed
  15. Connected

Hopefully, you like “Stakeholders questions” You Must read the chapter Stakeholders before doing Stakeholders questions.


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